
By LifeLines

Harvest Time

This has been one of the most intense weeks at work for quite some time.  Anyhow, I made it to Friday evening and celebrated by sharing a tasty pale ale with Andy over dinner - what extravagance!

We've still sorting out the house at Liss and on Saturday morning I'd a slot booked at the local recycling centre.  So, off I went, loaded the car with wood, unwanted paint and old electrical goods and duly used my slot at 'the tip'.  It was a very strict affair - registration number taken on arrival, bay allocated, reverse parking only, a man in a face mask shouting orders about where to put things.  I returned to the house to sweep out the garage and load the with the near final bits and bobs (on this occasion decorating equipment and tools).  We ended the day with our traditional Saturday night curry and a film.

Today, Sunday, has been a more sedate affair (thank goodness).  A long lie and a lazy dog walk with lots of stops to chat to neighbours.  It was such a pleasure to actually talk with people ...given this more socially isolated world we live in now. 

This afternoon I spent a few hours at the allotment, weeding, cutting back brambles and preparing it for the big winds we have forecast for Tuesday/Wednesday.  I harvested most of the apples, in part as the trees looked like their boughs would snap under the weight of the fruit and also because I think many of the apples will get blown off next week.  I also pruned back and gave the tomato stakes some reinforcement. We shall see how it all fairs!

Tonight we've dined on Andy's homemade chicken stuffed with sun-dried tomatoes, feta cheese and olives, accompanied by potatoes, courgette and Swiss chard from the allotment.  And, we've watched Mrs Lowry - the film about the life of painter L. S. Lowry. We thought the acting was excellent.  It was sad Lowry's mother, who spent her life dismissing his paintings, never lived to see him become an much admired painter.

And so it is now Sunday evening and I prepare for another working week.  I hope you weekend has been good to you.  I'm looking forward to catching up with your blips - which I do each night even if I don't blip myself.  So, thanks for your company, take care and all the best.

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