Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Grandma Day

This Sunday my daughter and her man handed me their son, my toddler grandson, for the day; so that they had time for themselves. 
We had a wonderful day together and after his arrival he asked me on instant: 'Where is pappou?' So considerate of him to wonder where my Sweetheart is, now that he didn't find him in my home here. We called him on the handy and he liked that, both liked that, plus me too.

Toddler Boy here listens to his papa and I like how he looks up to him; when his parents had gone he more than once told me with pride if not full of admiration, that he had learned so and so "From Papa!"

It's wonderful to hear him talk in syllables now and express his thoughts and wishes... my goodness how fast do our kids grow and develop.

Have a good week you Blippers! and yes I will give my reactions upon your write ups within days... must get off now

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