Groomer Extraordinaire!!
(or how far will my tongue reach like this?)
of course its acrobatic Charlie, see the other in extras 'now don't you dare blip me'! :)
Furlough Day 133, 24.08.20
Just another boring day in furlough land...
General odds and sods day, with my usual Monday webinair.
I sat in the garden at the other end this morning. A nice sunny spot patio compared to the shade by the kitchen. Charlie appeared over the fence, and that was a blip opportunity.
(I was really waiting for dragon or damselflies to come back, but they never did... I should have taken the camera out there first thing instead of coming back in for it when I saw one.)
This afternoon, very heavy rain showers...we just got inside in time!
Now might be a good time to try and catch up with 'A Suitable Boy' on iplayer :)
Happy Monday folks :)
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