
By fotoday


One of the main reasons I was attracted to this 2 day workshop on Anglesey was to photograph some of their lovely lighthouses. We set out just after 5am with a plan, get to the first location for sunrise, oto another before returning for breakfast and then go to Llanddwyn Island. Well the weather was so awful and the tides not in where our guide planned them that by the time we returned for breakfast I hadn't even taken a single shot !
A little down hearted we headed for our final stop off which was a mile and half walk from the car park. Things were looking promising as we walked along the lovely beach but then the heavens opened. With only a wall to buyer down alongside we got soaked. However our persistence paid off and th rain stopped and light improved slightly. In desperation we began taking photos as the rain was easing and I learned my biggest lesson, don't just keep wiping the lens to get the spots of rain off. Take time out and give it a good clean because when the rain stopped I was happy and busy seeking locations and when back hope every frame had messy spots on them , so enjoying and time consuming get rid of them.
Our little adventure wasn't over at the scheduled finish time of 1pm though, as we walked back to the car the little island we were on had been cut off by high tide. A 1.5 hour wait and then paddle through the last of the water did however get me back to the car and the 3.5 hour drive home. And just to rub it in the sun came out.
A long day and not one to forget but in the end I really enjoyed the location I had most wanted to sea and I was happy to dedicate a bit of time to try to master landscape shots and do things properly with a tripod.
The main blip was chosen only on the basis that I have experimented with mono something I rarely do. The other extras are all in the same amazing location and are worth looking in large if only to find the rain spots Ive missed.
Sorry for being useless at commenting lately.

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