Plus ça change...

By SooB


Down to using the novelty kids mugs for my evening Ovaltine. Perhaps because all the normal mugs are festering in TallGirl’s bedroom, on Mr B’s desk, or on my bedside table.

An issue that has been causing much anguish, some depression and a bout of unspecified lurgy on Saturday, was largely resolved today after Mr B spent much of yesterday shaming and reasoning me into tackling head-on an issue I’ve been casting worried sideways glances at for too long. And despite spending most of last night playing out all the horrifying scenarios in my head, it was - of course - fine.

With that out of the way, just a mountain of work - with added pressure as part of Mr B’s plan involves kidnapping me for an enforced holiday since the last two attempts didn’t really work (and I think I really need it).

Hot again.

TallGirl spent dinner detailing to CarbBoy all the important Lycée tips (don’t get the top lockers, always have a pack of cards, snacks and a phone charger). And TallGirl learnt to her delight that public libraries are free (did she think I paid for them?)

I’ve left the others downstairs watching The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Not sure the kids are that into it, but the music is making the rabbits leap around like crazy!

Will catch up on backblips.

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