Breakey Blips

By ElizabethB

Disaster averted

Do you like my new hat?
It turned out well, but it was huge!

Knitting with a different colour in each hand is so satisfying, it feels like... like cycling with no hands ... or even flying, as you use both hands to flick the right colour on to the stitch, whilst catching up the spare colour so the the tension remains constant.

Pleasure and satisfaction to one side, I still had a problem, it was like a rasta hat for a giant! I had used the wrong size needles. Doh!

So I faced with 3 choices:
1. rip it all out, which is sad;
2. find a place in a drawer where it would never see the light of day, but... what a waste;
3. Press on and rethink the work.

And that's how the hat became a cushion.

I used up the colours, so the pattern is not identical, but that's a good thing. Knitting the final rows while 75% stuffed was tricky but I am pleased with the end result.

What would you have done?

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