The Island...
Is there jobs you put off for a lot longer than you perhaps feel they should be put off?
I had a couple of wee jobs that lead up to one of the biggest jobs in the kitchen that was in the category above. I cleaned up Fridgids fridge magnet marble runs. Noticed that a bit was missing so decided to pull the fridge out and search for it back there. Been meaning to clean behind the fridge for about 3 years. All nice a sparkly back there now.
We almost managed to follow the rules until we found the rules and found us to be slightly off. The instructions did say that the island was to be built from things around the house. I accidentally found myself in the model shop when out buying paint and accidentally bought model grass and a couple of trees. I did do the burning parts to age the fences and helped fold the boats but aside from that, her Island of Love is all her own work. The concept, the island being in the shape of a heart is inspired.
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