Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman

Here's a Tale

As a young teenager I was always utterly confused by young men : did they feel anything at all ?. I had close wimmin friends but never felt the sexual attraction I felt for fella's. Now I think that was simply the excitement of danger.
After hanging around for a guy to make a commitment I got fed up and went to Zimbabwe to work as a Midwife, foolishly marrying the first guy that asked for me. My memory is of him telling me to go buy a wedding ring I liked. Once that marriage failed, the ring mysteriously vanished.
Recently I've found myself peering into an antique jewellers window each time I passed. I went in to try things on and enjoyed a merry chat with another woman buying herself a ring.
So here's what I bought myself : a sign of. commitment to myself to weather the horrors of ageing.

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