
By SueT123

Glastonbury Tor

We arrived in Glastonbury yesterday afternoon and went to see M in L who is in a home. We saw her outside. She was very pleased to see us but just couldn't get why we were weraing masks, gloves and aprons (we didn't 'get' the aprons)! We stayed for half an hour and I think she quite enjoyed it. It is so difficult when she is so deaf and has alzheimers. 
This morning, we went for a walk up to the Tor. It was SO windy! I literally nearly got blown over. The extra show the arch at the bottom of the Tor. I wanted to take a view through the arch but when I got there the wind blowing through was so strong I actually couldn't walk another step or beven hold my phone to take the photo! We had to go very carefully round the side.
We went to see M in L again this afternoon but she wasn't so good today. She was so confused . We stayed for half an hour and all she wanted to do was come with us...

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