twinned with trumpton


Washing, then shopping. We met Her at Canonmills and used the last available time with the car to lay in supplies for Her - in a week away, they'd managed to erode the supplies of essential goods but unable to restock by themselves.

The car was duly returned, as was my deposit (phew! - always a tense moment - good to get the 'present' of the money back at some point in the near furture) And a long march homewards via Asda; She didn't stick about and I continued on with the washing and trying to instill some sort of order in the homestead. I may have done some more washing later in the day. (I have access to 4 rotary driers under cover - I may have used more than my fair share at this point...)

For light relief there was blackberry picking at Wardie PF. See jammy extra

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