Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

At least the rain brings photo opportunities....

... I was spoilt for choice between this one, a bedraggled bee (bless them, they are an inspiration the way they are driven to keep going when clearly exhausted) or some of the babies from the eggs yesterday (the Stragglers).
They too must have had a real battering last night from the storm (judging by the amount of tree debris in the garden today). But they are still fighting their way out of the eggs and clambering over one another to attain higher positions up the netting.
I have put in a little research, and though I had assumed (perhaps?) that they are going to be white butterflies, interestingly the eggs don't match the images for white butterflies (that I was able to find anyway). So, I shall keep looking. Fingers crossed that they are not going to be too destructive to plants! (Himself, Head Gardener here, is pretty philosophical, he says nature should have what it needs, 'as long as it leaves us some', which isn't always the case. E.g. our apples and the squirrels! What can you do Gladys?). 

To everyone who had a knee replacement op yesterday... Love and best wishes. 
Stay safe.

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