Wet Wednesday ...

A morning spent cleaning out overflowing shed gutters and then a wee bit of inventive thinking to reach the ones at the front of the house. The ones round the back will need to wait as can’t get a tractor loader and ladders round there. Decided I’m not as good at heights as I used to be, but got there in the end. Didn’t help when Mrs F suggested I could clean the windows on the way up !
A lorry in for a load of cull ewes at lunch time ,then spent the rest of the afternoon filling more barley into the grain tower. I think another load tomorrow should just about fill it , then I will need to run the rest of the pile through the drier . The joys.
Don’t know when it will dry up enough to start the harvest. Have had 1.5 inches of rain since lunch time yesterday and it is raining again now . Thought the East coast was supposed to be the dry side of the country !

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