Outward Bound
Like Andy, my boy left home today leaving his toys behind.
He has a one way ticket and a full working visa to start his career in South Korea in renewable car fuels.
South feckin Korea, not London, Ireland, Manchester or Aberdeen.
Not New Zealand, Germany, the Netherlands or Spain but South feckin Korea.
As always I am proud, excited and in awe of him, but I can't help feeling I did too good a job of building his confidence, of sparking his interest in adventure, of telling him the world is at his feet and go explore....
I forgot to put the cavite of places I would prefer he stayed away from, but I doubt he would have listened.
So many things have derailed him, jobs withdrawn, no degree certificates issued, visa issues, government quarantines, language barriers, currency headaches. All of these he has overcome.
He has arrived and is being pushed into queues each time he says Daegu.
I can concentrate on nothing and have very watery eyes. This new normal may be more challenging than anything pandemics can throw at me.
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