Another What a Day Makes

This represents the Rain we have had this morning. 

It started to rain at 10.30 that became a torrent for more them half an our, the it went on very heavenly for another  hour. 

It has been over a 2 year since we have rain like this, last time dirty water came up through the wet room and flooded the bedroom, I have a oneway valve in that drain now. 
As last time the drain in my back yard that is slighting undercover from the porch, dirty water was nearly lifting the drain cover and water was then flooding that area.
There is nothing anyone can do, but wait till it stops. 

As I am writing this the sun has come out and you would never know it had happened as it did, it is now 12.45

I just need to wash the yard down with disinfectant now.

See Extra of drain

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