Rhône Glacier

Imagine our surprise when we arrived at the Rhône Glacier this morning to find a huge part of it covered in white cloths (look again if you missed it....the whole of the lower, bright white section is cloth! It would seem that the theory behind it is that you cover the ice in white sheets it will slow down the melting process. Ecological or not......I’ll let you decide. See the extras for close ups of the ‘covering’. We walked up on a path to overlook the glacier but most tourists are encouraged to pay and walk along the boardwalks to see an ice cave hidden underneath the sheets. It’s all very bizarre.

We had a walk around the lake at the top of the Grimsel Pass first thing this morning (see extra) before moving on to see the Rhône Glacier then continuing to the top of the Furka Pass. Yet more stunning views and many marmots as well as an Alpine Accentor. Tonight we are staying in the campervan at the top of the Furka Pass (2,429metres).

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