Never too early for Christmas ;-)

I know it's only August. But being the fourth wildling, certain clothes are kept from the bigger boy's for the Jedi. And I couldn't resist putting him in these .

We have drawn with chalk today, one wildling drew over the table legs too. We got marker's out for like five minutes and that same wildling gave themselves tattoos up their arm . You really don't need to guess which one . Haha .
It has rained and rained all day . I would normally take them out in the rain but three of them are getting over a cold.

Xander has continued to stay at school for full day's this week and I'm so proud of him. Lincoln has went on a bear hunt , went on a nature treasure hunt , baked , played with bunny rabbits and has had park play too. Harp can now say letter's to G. I'm trying to work on her speech so I am doing things that she enjoys and is comfortable with. We have worked on some word's . And the Jedi..... Well that baby really does have the force in him and he smile's and is happy 99% of the time . As his nana would say " he's a smasher" .

Thank you all for your star's, heart's and comments on yesterday's blip. Xx

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