Gift from my .....

...... thoughtful friend.
The weather has put a stop to most thing s on my list to do today. Prepared the meal, contacted a friend , who's call I missed yesterday) had a long chat and caught up with things. The family moved from Croydon to Norfolk in December 2019 . They're greatly missed. "A" was here at lunch time we intended to go out for a cuppa and a stroll when down came the rain , so that was abandoned.
KJD face timed me from Greece , they were on the beach we frequented last year. Reported the funeral went off as well as could be expected, sad day for the whole family especially as he was only in his 50's . "A" and I are watching a film ( TV has so much rubbish on & they have the cheek to ask for licence fee?) however Quartet with Maggie Smith is very good , both sad and funny but worth a watch!) we've seen it before at the cinema and enjoyed it then.
Do hope everyone had managed to have a good day , stay safe.

Grateful .... grateful for company to share my evening with.

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