Four seasons in one day

Daddy went to work at 5:30
Thus, mummy was up at 5:30
Because scamp was up!
Luckily he was happy to sleep on the sofa with me until tinkers came down about 6:30 and then they were happy to cuddle with me till 7:30!

We went to meet Woms teacher from school - she’s moved to a new school and I said I would loan her some resources. Tinkers were happy to walk down to the park with her whilst I ran into school, grabbed the bits and drove down to meet them.
Had a lovely time

Home via the Golden Arches

Afternoon of us all snuggled on the sofa watching the play mobil movie and eating popcorn

We then played / worked / chilled

Made them spaghetti with cheese and ham sauce - two clean bowls - winning
Lovely scamp walk
The sun was shining and b52’s were circling around and around

Daddy was home when we got baxk

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