Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Corona blues

The wee man had a fever at bedtime last night and unfortunately woke up with it again today.

We called the school to inform them and check if his sister should stay home too, and they advised that we take the wee man to get tested for Covid-19.

After searching the Scottish and English practices online, I tried to book him into a testing center. However, the nearest option to Edinburgh was Inverness, more than three hours away!

Before seeing off I called the above line, where I was on hold for 45 minutes. Eventually a lady answered and suggested that Glasgow had just released more testing spaces so I checked online again - Edinburgh had just opened 250 more tests too!

I carted the wee man off to the airport, climbed into the back seat and administered the test. He was great. I then followed suit myself, gagging as I scraped the back of my throat. I zipped the bag, slipped it out of the window and returned home.

The test results are off and we're now waiting for our results. I'm pretty sure we're all clear but these are crazy times we're living in.

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