
Crab hunting on the beach again today.  The Dadski has one of his oldest friends staying with him in the carawanga at the moment, so they came and joined us on the beach too.  I haven’t seen Zac for 32 years!  

Extreme crab fishing on the pier tonight!  It’s extreme as you can’t see Whether you have caught anything or not!!!  We had four lines down and the sea was being a cruel mistress!  We had to load more stones for the nets to get to the bottom as it was so rough.  Callum (called Flukey from now on) caught three crabs and a 3inch edible!!!  Zac put a line down with the smallest amount of bacon on (the bit we had put into the bucket in case we did indeed catch anything) and managed to catch two crabs!  Even Nicola caught one in her net.  To major merriment the only person not to catch anything was The Dadski, but he held it together quite well !!!

Good times :)

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