New Adventures

By P1nkdragen


Took a random trip to Crosby today as it seemed perfect weather - drizzle forecast for the afternoon with an up-and-coming-not-looking-too-bad bank holiday weekend.  Plenty of spaces in the free car park and not too many people about so was well timed.

You can't really go wrong with a blip on Crobsy - doesn't matter how far in or out the tide is, there's always something going on and the Anthony Gormley's just look great no matter what.  Today this one had been given a fetching pink skirt.

The husband's best bit was feeding a nine bar to an entire flock of starlings (see extra).  He kinda looked like starling Jesus as I returned to find him after visitng the loo...

Today's Soundtrack: Out of Pawn by Anais Mitchell

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