
By seddon


I went to morrisons this morning - they have removed all of the barriers which had been used to form 2 queues from the front of the store, along with all the tape markings on the floor. Maybe the general public can be trusted now to know how to social distance, although seeing some of the shoppers today I'm not convinced!
At lunchtime me, Thomas and Chloe went to Stamford Park to meet Anne and Naymi for a picnic. We have not seen them since February, when we normally see them every week or 2. It was so lovely to see them! We wandered around and Thomas and Chloe played on the swings and the slide. Naymi chased around after Chloe, this picture was taken from a video of Chloe looking for me and Thomas. It was so nice to see how Chloe just accepted Anne and naymi. She didn't hesitate at all, and was all smiles! Anne played football with Thomas, they took it in turns pretending to be different players, and he had the best time.

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