And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Tears :(

Its easy to walk past a grave yard and not take a moment to remember the dead. & im sure I have done it too but not since we lost are wee boy. Every stone tells a brief story and you are left to imagine the person or child. I often wonder how many tears have been shed for the dead, silly I know... Another upset today this time dad, his benefits are getting stopped, there is no way on this earth he could work so I dont have a clue what hes going to do. He has so many health problems and is forever at the hospital and even his own doctor said he is NOT fit for work. He brought the logbook letter round this morning and he didn't score 1 point for all his illnesses. He has a month to appeal and he doesn't have a clue what to do so it will be left to me. Dont get me wrong I dont want him in this situation but I have very little time for him after his behaviour but I wont leave him in the lurch its just not my nature. But as you can imagine its going to be very difficult indeed. I could actually scream right now...... please dont judge me if you knew what he had done to me and my sister you wouldn't. Oh insistently this picture was taken at the back of dads flat we went to see him this morning to read the letter. But first we walked ash, when we got back to the car dads car had gone!! that wound me up again, he couldn't miss are car and I did text and said we would be there in an hour. So we came home and he was parked outside are house, the door was open as Dan was in bed, so dad just let himself in and was sat to greet us in the lounge!! I will shut up now.

Its weigh day tomorrow hopping for a loss, I have been good :)

love c x x x

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