Flying High

We had a lovely day today. We went out this morning and caught 6 crab quite was quite windy so we didn't stay long. The Brown Pelicans were plentiful and we enjoyed watching the dive for the balls of bait fish. This one was flying quite high and then he flew closer to the water before he dove.

Our daughter and her friend came over and they helped us eat those crab for lunch. Later our granddaughters and their friends arrived at the beach so we took them out crabbing; they were so of them had never been crabbing and he became the "go to" person pulling up the traps....he was great......later those teens ate there fill of crab. We visited with everyone until bedtime and now we are both ready for bed......well, actually, hubby is already asleep on the couch.  :-)) 

Hope all of your are having a wonderful weekend and staying safe. We haven't listened to any news since we got here so I am hoping that Portland has gained some measure of peace by now.

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