Rough sea

6.1C with a lot of grey cloud and windy

Maeve the Deerhound and I went out after lunch and went round our usual route. The little road roller is no longer parked in the church car park. The wind was very noticeable as we walked down the field. Muddier in the field today. Trailers of bales still there.

The tide was almost fully in. Very little beach left to walk on so we walked along the grass area and along the path behind the little dunes to the Fishermen's huts. The waves were rolling in at an angle to the beach and almost up to the bottom of the gardens of the cottages on East Row. As the waves rolled in over the rocks they were making a very load roaring noise not unlike that of a huge aeroplane taking off and there was the sound of breaking waves on the sand too. Quite a dramatic scene.

Maeve and I stopped a few times as we walked along and just stood and watched the waves crashing on the sand and rushing up to the back of the beach.

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