Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

Who Ate All The...Bird Seed?

Having slept 10 hours the night before last, which must be some kind of record for me, I was destined to only sleep 3 hours last night. So I was pretty tired when it came to going to the cinema with Aliellerb this morning. As it turns out, she'd not slept well either and we are both irritable cinema-goers at the best of times. Despite our tiredness, we were optimistic that at 10.30 in the morning the cinema would be quiet, everyone would arrive on time, no one would talk throughout the movie, and they would all eat quietly.

But alas, it wasn't to be. Most surprisingly, was the key worker for a man with learning disabilities who thought Django Unchained was an appropriate movie to take his client to! I say that as someone who has worked with adults with learning disabilities and believes in equal access to services. However, this client clearly had no idea what he was watching and I suspect the key worker had wanted to see the movie more than he did. The key worker will get to return the client to the residential home and tick the 'participation in constructive activities' box though. Meanwhile, said client will still be trying to make sense of all the bloody violence that clearly unsettled him.

So, did Aliellerb and I actually like the movie? I think it's fair to say that it isn't our favourite Tarantino movie. We just didn't GET it! I really don't know what all the fuss was about. Flight with Denzel Washington (swoon) was a far more enjoyable recent watch :-)

Meanwhile, here is a picture of a fat pigeon I saw in a tree on my way up to bed for a sneaky afternoon nap.

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