Rodents rule

By squirk


My day was one of manic tidying brought on by standing on a splinter of glass in the bedroom. After much examination, I managed to get the ouch out of the foot then promptly lost the tiny shard when Juno buffed my arm. Cue changing the bed, hoovering and mopping. 

After knocking something down the back of some shelves, I reached my hand down and under the unit to retrieve whatever it was and touched something soft. Now, in a house with a cat, this could be something that humans have not brought in. I ended up pulling the whole shelving unit out and, lo and behold, one dead bird. Goodness knows how long it had been there! Poor thing. It was a starling and we haven't had too many of those in the garden for months. Perhaps this is why. 

Upon going through to tell Fred about the sad discovery, I found him looking out the window. I'm happy to say that our cat is back on form and, possibly, reacting to the fact that I'm hiding antibiotics in his food by catching his own. What Fred was viewing was Juno eating a mouse whole, head first.

A break from tidying took us to Dulwich Woods, passing by some of our neighbours who were weeding the pavement down the bottom of the road. We've almost done it all now between us, saving our council some labour and staving off the threat of using chemicals to keep the weeds at bay. Dulwich Woods were lovely and green, with parakeets being very noisy. It was busy with people, too busy, so we whizzed through to Dulwich Park. There, we had our first game of table tennis in years. Fred won three games and I need to improve considerably.

Back at home, I weeded a bit more of the pavement then started on my garden path, which needed de-mossing. A neighbour commented on my sunflower and said he had seeds for other colours of sunflower and he'd drop them off for me. My first sunflower has started to seed and something is eating them – I suspect a squirrel as there are large chunks out of the flowerhead.

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