
By momcat1

Crescent on Amsonia

after I followed it across they'd from the front bed to the heliopsis and finally on the amsonia. Which is a native, I believe, prairie flowering grass that is trying to take over this flower bed and will eventually be fighting it out with the peony for dominance. Unless the clethra on the other end of the bed ends up taking over  both of them. The other butterfly is a skipper , but I think it's a Peck's though it could be a cloudy wing. It is so faded I had trouble telling.
Tonight I made moussaka with eggplant from the garden. First time I have ever had any eggplant let alone enough to make moussaka with this week , eggplant parm last week , and still have enough to threaten them with ratatouille  for Wed . night. And give a few to a friend. I did tell them not to expect moussaka again for a year. It has a lot of parts to it. I cheated and partially baked the potatoes , didn't fry them. Bake the eggplant slices, brown the hamburger, make a tomato sauce and a béchamel...layer it all them bake. Almost 3 hours to make 30 min to eat. Not as bad as thanksgiving dinner  but close!

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