A Gossamer Tangle

It's such a b...... when your gossamer gets its knickers in a twist, as I'm sure you're all aware.  My contribution to the Tiny Tuesday challenge.

I slipped down to make a cup of tea and put the central heating on as soon as JJ had gone to golf and didn't emerge until just after 8.30 a.m.

After breakfast, and having washed the dishes, I decided the surfaces needed a good clean, but on moving the toaster, found it was in desperate need of a major crumb declutter.  That took a while and it may well be that being so violently shaken might result in it not working.  

Then I moved onto the microwave, which is of the combination variety and has been a part of the family since about 1995.

Bathrooms cleaned, it was time for a cuppa, which I took outside and found the day to be pleasantly warm. (I obviously warmed up the whole neighbourhood when I boosted the central heating.)

New Gabor ankle boots arrived at lunchtime to replace a much loved pair that let in a little water, so on their last legs.  I must remember to order some wellies because there's a split in one, and when I jump in puddles they let me know.

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