Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

First day of autumn

The first day of autumn and it is a beautiful warm and sunny day, although the early mornings are getting chilly now. I took Xena up to the heath for a walk and the heather is still looking lovely, so I could not resist photographing it again!

Back home I had some chores to do, I cleaned the kitchen and did all the ironing, and then edited some photos.

This week pupils return to school and the news reports say they are three months behind in their learning. Not sure why that is even a news item, it is obvious, isn't it? Life is now feeling quite normal again in terms of the 'new normal'. I just hope schools and universities do not have to close again due to virus outbreaks. Living in such uncertain times has had such a toll on everyone, and with the countries going on and off the UK government quarantine list it is becoming impossible to plan a trip away. 

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