My Dog Jack

By jackrussell

Handsome Chap? (Almost!)

We all went to a Pony Club event today.
(Yawn! Boring!)

The Boss said I had to stay in the Land Rover in case I decided to join in the fun. I think that it was just because he was worried that I would win all the games and and bring all the rosettes home!

I didn't even have Daft Harry or Fat Dog to play with. Harry had to stay at home and look after Granny and Fat Dog is, well to be totally frank, just too fat to fit into the Land Rover!!

The Boss and 'She Who Must Be Ignored' were very good and took me for regular walks to see some of the action. I tried to make some new friends but first I met two wolves! and then I saw this little man who was looking just a little too smug and handsome for my liking.

Hmm? Better not stand too close to him!

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