Poorly Tango

Poor Tango was restless and upset this morning, when we woke.

I took him to the vet, who gave him some pain killers and wanted to see him again at 11 AM.

I took Gollum for a chiropractor appointment and then went home to work for an hour before we went back to the vet.

Tango had his x-rays of his stomach to see if he has eaten something that got stuck. The x-rays showed nothing.

He then had blood taken out for testing and he got some different penicillin and some other stomach pills and we went home.

Tango han been lying down and made sad noises all afternoon, whilst I was working. 

The results of the blood tests came at 3ish. Nothing. So Tango got yet another kind of stomach medicine and the vet recommended that I tried a small walk to see if it would cheer him up. 

I went to work for a couple of hours and then tried the walk. Tango looked quite ok. But we're now home and he is looking sad and making noises again :-(

Please pray for a speedy recovery.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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