Monumental Masonry

I realised i hadn’t been over to Ian’s grave for ages so H and I drove over to see him.
It always feels a bit odd going to his grave. I don’t really feel anything when I see it, well apart from being a bit sad. It doesn’t remind me of him though. Of course many things do remind me of him. London Pride, any motorsport, most interesting cars, Le Mans, terrible folk music, anyone who claims to be able to play bass, many pubs in Cambridge. Travelling, business, laughter... it’s a long list. Maybe I won’t go back.

After we left the grave we went to the Queens Head in Newton, a proper old pub. A proper old pub that was shut. So we went to the John Barleycorn in Duxford, for a fantastic lunch of a pint, wine and a bag of crisps! Classy.

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