Wash out

It's 6pm and just starting to rain. The weather has been slowly clouding over since early afternoon. It was so nice this morning that MrsW suggested an outing while it was still good. 
We set out with the intention of heading for the coast but when we got to the roundabout just south of Kings Lynn the road was chocker. We've encountered this before so we always travel with a plan B which basically involves turning left at the roundabout and heading to the Wash. There was an exhilarating sense of freedom bowling along the A47 westbound looking at all the traffic at a standstill in the  eastbound lane. 
Had a lovely walk, picked yet more blackberries and met just one other person, a lady with a huge Newfoundland dog which had sat down and was refusing to move. There's not much you can do with a dog like that when it doesn't want to move. Luckily she wasn't there when we returned from the walk so she must have come to some understanding with her dog, probably a reminder of where its food bowl was. 
We set off home using the country route, feeling very smug until we came across road works in one of the little villages with diversion signs that sent us into one of those rural spirals where you are sure you've just passed the same farm entrance for the 6th time. We got home eventually. Sometimes you just have to pay for your smugness.

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