
A beautiful sky this morning and sun streaming through the windows. A crisp clear morning and a beautiful cycle into work.

A rainy afternoon, donning the waterproofs and a damp (but not wet) cycle home. Such is the U.K. in September.

This time of year is always a little weird for us in the office because we’re itching to get into schools but only really start to run our programmes from week two. It’s different this year because schools are needing a bit more time to figure out the new systems but it’s also kind of exciting for us as the change has meant we can really evaluate what we do. A healthy moment of dropping the things that weren’t working and dreaming up new things that will suit the schools best in this current climate.

I’ve banned the words ‘new normal’ from work. We got to the end of day two before Becci slipped up.

A damp lunch break walk to get some fresh air found me gazing at tents in Millets. Seems I’m not quite over the summer just yet.

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