The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Not Up To Scratch

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I went to see Mary Doll and Victor today. Sadly their next door neighbour was widowed during lockdown and Mary Doll was telling me that his daughter, Julie comes out every day to see him.

“Julie says that he’s managing with the cleaning but he’s not very good at it so she comes in to do a proper clean every couple of weeks.

Your dad would be fine though. He can put on a wash and do the ironing and he’s not bad with cleaning. Not as thorough as me* mind, but not bad. He’d be fine.”

There was a moment of silence and she looked contemplative. “Aw bless her,” I thought - thinking of how my dad might manage. She shook her head...

“Although, to be honest, he doesn’t make a great job of the insides of the windows**.”



*This is from the woman who said I hadn’t done the weekly clean of the kitchen properly because I hadn’t cleaned out the soap dispensing drawer of the washing machine!

**Apparently they don’t get done very often - just once a month!

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