Double Trouble

I had to take the car in for a service and Mot today and these two were with mummy when she picked me up. Always good to see them even if they did hog my chair..

Did some washing got it dried outside I also attempted some gardenjng and soon realised that until I get my back operated on I can't really do anything out there. N knew a gardener so I've made contact and she will call mid October for an initial 2 hours out there.

N picked me up and then I collected car which sailed through the Mot. Total cost today was £58 but it was also my last inclusive service, so will be pricier next time. Had a look at the new models and even tried a couple but I think I'll be holding on to this car for a while.

Came home finished my dusting then cooked dinner. I ve just been stood at the back door gor 30 mins calling Merlot who suddenly appeared from behind me. He's been asleep all afternoon in the lounge..

Thanks very much for all your kind words and the selection of stars and hearts for yesterday's picture. Not been able to speak to C today but at least N has so I'm ressured.

Rain this afternoon and cool.

I'm trying to get around to you all and I will.


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