Winter is back
Snow surprised us this morning. Horrible wet stuff not the nice fluffy stuff of the other weekend. It upset W because he couldn't go out and make a snowdog and snowcat as it was Monday morning!
Normal Monday, kids to school and Goslings, me to gym for a 10k run and kettle bells. On to the drop in which was quiet but we did have a couple of lovely Mummies pop in.
Pick ups done, early tea for everyone thanks to the slow cooker. Then I left Daddy in charge for bedtime as I headed to school for a meeting. Since I arrived home I have ironed, descaled the one cup and the iron (no small job in this area as the water is so hard), put washing on and then put it on the airer to dry. Wrapped a parcel for a little girl who has her own journal on here, sorted out a car seat for posting tomorrow and oh yes made pancake batter for breakfast.
I'm tired, off to bed now.
Edit: Just looked at this and realised that the photo is corrupted. It is on my phone too, but it wasn't earlier when I checked it or I would have taken it again. Really annoying, particularly as it is the only shot I have had time to take all day, so it will have to saty. May be the phone has caught some of my apathy?!
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