Friends, Dubai

My lovely friend Eva and her husband. We'd met in Kuwait and have kept in touch ever since. She left after only a few months. 

A hectic day finishing my packing but first things first. A quick trip to Qurum beach for a walk. I had to have one last visit before I left. I so enjoyed my beach walk this morning, I will miss this place - a beautiful environment. 

Packing is tedious, checked out feeling sad. A quick trip to the airport. I had to use all my feminine charms to get my excess baggage reduced, a tactic I don't normally resort to. B messaged, sad. A short, busy flight to Dubai, an extremely long queue to get through immigration. If I don't get Corona today, it'll be a miracle. And on to my hotel where my friends were waiting. A lovely catch-up - they're going home to Germany this year, they're ready! 
To bed late, thankfully it was comfy. Up early tomorrow.

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