This Morning With Richard and Judy

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Caro and me are still watching UK Gogglebox. The people are funny, but what I don't like about that version of the show is that they seem to watch the same bloody programmes every week. Especially "This Morning" which comes up practically every bloody episode. 

But it reminded me of the 1980's version with Richard and Judy. Every summer, back when I lived with Soozle, her parents would come back from Saudi Arabia (where they lived and worked for Aramco) and I remember her parents became OBSESSED with Richard and Judy.

Soozle's dad, in particular, was fascinated. He was bipolar, so he tended to get excitable about subjects, even trivial ones. Fortunately, he was also good about keeping to his meds, so he never went full Kanye on us. 

He was convinced that Richard was only with Judy for his career. I remember him bellowing at the top of his lungs, "YOU'LL SEE! YOU'LL SEE! HE'LL DIVORCE HER! THAT'S MY PREDICTION!"

He wasn't angry or anything. Just that when he was excited, he had no volume control. His wife, Chris, expressed her doubt.


Mal had started keeping a notebook of his predictions because, "You never remember when I get stuff right! You ALLUS remember when I get stuff wrong!" 

And so it went in the book. "Richard - and- Judy - divorced - says - Mal," he said, writing it down.

Sadly, he died about ten years ago. I wonder if Chris still has that notebook and laughs to herself that he got it wrong AGAIN?

I told Caro this while we were watching Gogglebox and she laughed.

Later that evening we got talking about Meghan Markle, and I said I had no idea why she was so unpopular. 

"She wants to be President of the USA!" said Caro.

"Really?" I asked.

Caro confessed that Meghan has never said so. And she's never read anything about it. But that is her INSTINCT.

I told her to put it in the notebook. 

You heard it here first.


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