Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


Achillea Millefolium

This morning I snatched these up on the Green in the teeth of the Council's mega-mower.  I've had my eye on them for a while, partly because I love the way the predominantly creamy white flowers can slide into pink for no apparent reason. 

And just because this year's WildFlowerWeek challenge has finished, doesn't mean we can't still blip them, does it?  Which gives me an opportunity to say thank you once again to everyone who joined the challenge this year.  What you came up with never ceased to amaze and delight.

Meanwhile, I'm tagging this for BikerBear's inspirational Flower Friday.  Thank you, Anni.  And this complete's my run of 5 challenges for this week.  Hard work?  Well, it certainly made me think.

Finally, while on the subject of thanks, thank you to everyone who asked after Hazel.  The little baggage appears to be 100% fine and very chirpy after her adventure.  Unrepentant too!

Enjoy your evening  xx

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