Eucryphia on a 10/12 foot high .....

...... tree.
Yes it's that tall ( really out of control) I bought this at one of the garden weekends I went to , it was very small looked like a twig really , cost was £1.25p about 12 years ago. How times change , then who would have thought just a year ago we would be in this Pandemic?
"A" took Daisy for her walk this morning , I was rather seedy a. m. feeling a tad better now , cut at the outside of the hedge so not a completely wasted day. It is late but I've put a wash on and if it's not dry by morning I'll put it on the line ( if it's dry!)
Hope you've all made the best of the day and stay safe all.

Grateful ..... that "A" was here to take Daisy out

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