Flower Friday: Cyclamen

I was pondering what to photograph for BikerBear's Flower Friday challenge, when my Editor reminded me that some rather pretty little cyclamens have recently come into flower in one of our front borders. It's been a very changeable day weather wise but the evening sun made an appearance just as I was going out with my camera. I like the way you can peep between the petals to see into the centre. It was another of those occasions requiring me to lie prone on the ground to get the shot but happily once more no passers by called an ambulance!

NB: Tomorrow is the first Saturday of the month, which means it's the monthly Silly Saturday challenge in memory of Admirer. So please get your silly thinking caps on and join in! Apollofly is kindly hosting this month and the tag is SilsSep2020. Lets all have fun as we remember Admirer and her family: I'm sure she'd have had a good chuckle when she saw our entries - she always said "I am looking forward to find all the silly, comical and funny images in the gallery(ies)".

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