Kaka beak

My Kaka beak (Clianthus) looks sensational and it's not yet in full bloom. It's one of the happiest plants in my garden and grows like a triphid.

I've had a couple of plants one a list for up to a year. Last week I had one delivered from the North Island. Today I found the other plant from the list, Podocarpus Henkelii (Henkils Lemonwood). And it was a sale bargain, boom! :-)

Totara are the NZ's podocarpus. Podocarpus Henkelii is South African and very different to what I'm familiar with. It's a slow grower and as it grows it will compliment my totara hedge and Japanese cloud tree.

Today's gratitude: For the lambs I saw driving home. They made me laugh out loud.

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