Embleton Bay

Until last night I had never slept in a four poster bed, but that all changed when I drew the winning straw for which bedroom in the holiday house I got. The bed was enormous and could easily have slept another two people. However the unaccustomed company and the travel involved as chief navigator in getting to Northumberland, instead of insuring a good night’s sleep, kept me awake in my big bed for most of the night. It was a mighty relief to see the sun creep over the horizon as I lay sleepless just after 6am and to then get up and find my way to a deserted beach. There can be nothing to beat walking beside an ebbing tide with glistening wet seaweed and leaving footprints in the pristine wet sand.

By the time I got back the other 2 Merry Widows were having breakfast in the sun. I don’t usually have much breakfast, but with the certainty of there not being a café with a scone in the vicinity, I felt I had to join them to keep my energy levels up for the walk along the sand dunes to Low Newton by the Sea. It’s one thing to walk 5 miles along a tarmac path but something else when the path, a foot wide, winds it’s way up hill and down dale through bracken taller than yourself.

We felt the exercise justified a liquid lunch with cake. I’ll be surprised if the bottles of wine we brought with us last longer than mid week.
With the feet rested and just the occasional snore we are planning another walk before supper into the hinterland. Meanwhile it’s each to her own in an ideal holiday house for three very Merry Widows.

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