King and Queen

After cutting my hair in the garden this morning, I sat and had a cup of coffee and found myself looking at these two and for some reason they reminded me of these two and visits to Glenkiln ...
Sadly a sculpture got nicked years ago so most of the others were removed for safe keeping.

I still feel as if I’m catching up with myself and disoriented by the amount there is to do and all the repercussions of the sorting and closing down of lives. The home and the things linger so much longer than the people and weirdly the shutting down of a home seems so much more final than the deaths of those who lived there. echoes upon echoes. Reminds me of Atwood’s poem ...

After a trip into town it started to rain heavily so I stupidly thought I’d go to Keswick to get something for my great niece. Note to self ... the lakes are still heaving ... don’t do it again.
Trying to find somewhere to park I got sucked up the Borrowdale road by which time the queue to get back into Keswick was backed up to Kettlewell car park so I ended up driving round by Catbells to get back again and parked by the museum just making it in time as shops closed.

A peaceful short walk part way up Great Mell on my way home. Extra ... any ideas what the flower is anyone? I wondered if it was Field Woundwort but have never come across it before,

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