The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Dream Opportunity or Nightmare?

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I was telling The Mini Princesses about LTJ’s friend, Mic.

Mic gets excited walking into a room full of strangers. She LOVES the opportunity to meet new people. It is so different to the way I feel about walking into a room full of strangers that it completely baffles me*.

The Mini Princesses reacted in the same way I had - “WTF?**”

Me: “I am rubbish in that situation. I just can’t be myself because...”

The Eldest Mini Princess interrupted, “You’d get locked up?”



*I’m paraphrasing. They didn’t actually say that.

**I also feel the same way when I see someone putting tomato ketchup on macaroni cheese. I mean, really?!

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