
The bed in the shepherds hut was surprisingly comfortable but I was awake quite early desperate for a cup of tea.
We decided to take a run up to Rothes- only about 5 miles and some really beautiful scenery. This is the Old Curiosity Shop- famous for having been on Salvage Hunters, and piles high with what Floss describes a a a rickle of shite. I found a little pained wooden pot stand that I fancied and Floss bought me it- for 50p! They have another shop that we also went into- was sorely tempted by a green chaise longue- but where would I put it?
Back at the campsite we made some more inroads into our ploughman’s box, then did some whittling. Kept being driven inside by short showers of heavy rain.
Our visitors arrives and it was so good to see them. We put the fire on and sat and talked and talked. The Allardyces left about teatime but Mike and Morag stayed and had take away pizza and some drinks with us.
A really lovely day.

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