Nir Levy Photography

By nir

Busy Day

Slept in late. A normal routine. Then worked on a low key project of mine* after finishing a website for the school robotics club.

While I did that I told my family to watch the school play and I joined them later because they asked me to take photos during the finale/ceremonies at the end since it was the last show of the last production for the year.

The director got up and said it's tradition to thank all the seniors individually, and I was caught completely off guard when they invited me up on stage first. I don't deserve all the credit they give me, I don't put in the time like the cast does, I just help but it felt nice to be thanked. The second time watching the play, I had more of a chance to enjoy it with my own eyes as opposed to the lens so it was thoroughly entertained by the whole experience.

After that I had my tiny league basketball championships. We won! It was very close. Great game guys. Tons of fun.

Sunday is over in an hour or so and I still have to do homework. Where did the weekend go?

Constructive criticism is always appreciated.

note to self: Keep your mind busy when on stage. Don't lean into the microphone. People love being thanked individually and receiving unexpected gifts (tie-die sweatshirt).

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