Harald Solhbergsplass

Today we drove National Touristroad Rondane. The weather was very clear, like might be at autoum, so the mountains showed us their best side.
The photo is taken where the famous painter Harald Sohlberg, painted his picture "Vinternatt i Fjellene" (winter night in the mountains). He used 14 years to finish this painting.
We continued the drive over Venabufjellet and ended the trip by the lake Randsfjorden. I am also happy that I could take a two hours walk in the hillside from Atnesjøen cafe to Sjølisetra. The colours of this old mountain birch forest was like walking through a painting :)

Sohlbergplassen, the viewing point at Atnsjøen lake, curves gently around slender pine trees. The platform frames the view towards the lake and the rounded peaks of the Rondane massif almost exactly as they appear in Harald Sohlberg’s famous painting “Winter’s Night in Rondane”.

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